Work better together

Use Google Classroom to share work with students

Simple sign-in and joining with i3FASTTRACK.

Distance learning made easy
The benefits you and your students deserve
i3LEARNHUB Features

Collaborate with your students wherever they are
Organize a virtual class with all students at the same time.

Activate students with minimal preparation time
Access thousands of lesson activities created by peers.

Easily monitor the progress of your students.
Easily share lessons and exercises with students connected to your Google Classroom.

Engage every student
Create interactive exercises and tests.

Collaborate on the same board
Collaborate with an entire class on the same board, physically or digitally.

Save money and time by sharing homework digitally
Send & receive interactive homework directly from the platform itself.
Discover relevant cases

European School Brussels
The digital era is changing the face of education

Flanders Synergy
In October 2017, Flanders Synergy organized the ‘Day of the smart school’ in the Flemish Parliament for teachers with a smart and flexible school organization.

A school that keeps children moving

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